Channel-20 IGNOU: State Open Universities channel aims to bring about lifelong learning to learners residing in various parts of the country. The channel intends to bring about purposeful and effective learning in the form of non-formal education, supplementary education and open distance education. This channel will fulfill the learning needs of the different communities. It offers continuing education to a wide range of people from neo-literates to professionals. it aims to strengthen the needs of lifelong learners with special reference to youth, school drop-outs, women, unemployed, self-employed workers with such qualities and skills that will enhances their living standards and expand their capabilities. Channel-20 provides support to the youth, especially those living in backward and remote areas and differently-abled people for developing skills and confidently entering the job markets. It serves as supplementary knowledge resource for people already engaged in different professions or enrolled in academic programmes in different open universities and enhance professionalism.

Major topics covered till July 2018
Till July 2018, the Channel 20 telecast programmes on various disciplines/areas like: Education, Distance Education; Journalism; Health Sciences; Research; Economics; Biological Sciences; Languages (Hindi, English, French, Rajasthani, Bengali, Bhojpuri); E-Learning; Human Resource Development; Psychology; Computer Science; Sociology; Textiles; Performing Arts; History; Philosophy; Women Empowerment; Peace Studies; Political Science; Translation; Rehabilitation Studies; Creative Writing; Library Science; Commerce; Social Work; Tourism; Zoology; Geography; Environmental Sciences; Poultry Farming; Food Science; Milk Processing developed by different open universities in the country.

Upcoming topics to be covered in next 3-6 months
In the next 3-6 months, the channel will concentrate to telecast more programmes on the above-mentioned disciplines and new disciplines/areas mainly the need-based programmes, keeping in view the main objectives of the channel in consultation with different open universities.

Role Name Email Location
National Coordinator Prof. Uma Kanjilal New Delhi
Channel Coordinator Prof. Kannan M Moudgalya IGNOU, New Delhi