No. | Subject | Course | Topic | Telecast Date / Day | Telecast Time | Repeat Time |
1 | Biology | ICAR | MCOs for Cell cycle and Cell division Part 2 | 09-12-2024 Monday |
03:28:30 - 04:03:49 06:57:00 - 07:32:19 10:25:30 - 11:00:49 13:54:00 - 14:29:19 17:22:30 - 17:57:49 20:51:00 - 21:26:19 |
00:00:00 - 00:35:19 || 03:28:30 - 04:03:49 || 06:57:00 - 07:32:19 || 10:25:30 - 11:00:49 || 13:54:00 - 14:29:19 || 17:22:30 - 17:57:49 || 20:51:00 - 21:26:19 || |
2 | Chemistry | ICAR | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Part- 4 | 09-12-2024 Monday |
04:03:49 - 04:50:21 07:32:19 - 08:18:51 11:00:49 - 11:47:21 14:29:19 - 15:15:51 17:57:49 - 18:44:21 21:26:19 - 22:12:51 |
00:35:19 - 01:21:51 || 04:03:49 - 04:50:21 || 07:32:19 - 08:18:51 || 11:00:49 - 11:47:21 || 14:29:19 - 15:15:51 || 17:57:49 - 18:44:21 || 21:26:19 - 22:12:51 || |
3 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 1 | 09-12-2024 Monday |
04:50:21 - 05:21:33 08:18:51 - 08:50:03 11:47:21 - 12:18:33 15:15:51 - 15:47:03 18:44:21 - 19:15:33 22:12:51 - 22:44:03 |
01:21:51 - 01:53:03 || 04:50:21 - 05:21:33 || 08:18:51 - 08:50:03 || 11:47:21 - 12:18:33 || 15:15:51 - 15:47:03 || 18:44:21 - 19:15:33 || 22:12:51 - 22:44:03 || |
4 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Magnetic Field on the Axis of a Circular Current Loop Lecture 7 | 09-12-2024 Monday |
05:21:33 - 05:59:57 08:50:03 - 09:28:27 12:18:33 - 12:56:57 15:47:03 - 16:25:27 19:15:33 - 19:53:57 22:44:03 - 23:22:27 |
01:53:03 - 02:31:27 || 05:21:33 - 05:59:57 || 08:50:03 - 09:28:27 || 12:18:33 - 12:56:57 || 15:47:03 - 16:25:27 || 19:15:33 - 19:53:57 || 22:44:03 - 23:22:27 || |
5 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Biot-SAVART LAW Lecture 6 | 09-12-2024 Monday |
05:59:57 - 06:29:50 09:28:27 - 09:58:20 12:56:57 - 13:26:50 16:25:27 - 16:55:20 19:53:57 - 20:23:50 23:22:27 - 23:52:20 |
02:31:27 - 03:01:20 || 05:59:57 - 06:29:50 || 09:28:27 - 09:58:20 || 12:56:57 - 13:26:50 || 16:25:27 - 16:55:20 || 19:53:57 - 20:23:50 || 23:22:27 - 23:52:20 || |
6 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant breeding Mutation Breeding | 09-12-2024 Monday |
06:29:50 - 06:57:00 09:58:20 - 10:25:30 13:26:50 - 13:54:00 16:55:20 - 17:22:30 20:23:50 - 20:51:00 23:52:20 - 24:00:00 |
03:01:20 - 03:28:30 || 06:29:50 - 06:57:00 || 09:58:20 - 10:25:30 || 13:26:50 - 13:54:00 || 16:55:20 - 17:22:30 || 20:23:50 - 20:51:00 || 23:52:20 - 24:00:00 || |
7 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Ampere's Circuital Law - l Lecture 8 | 10-12-2024 Tuesday |
03:18:43 - 03:53:55 06:37:26 - 07:12:38 09:56:09 - 10:31:21 13:14:52 - 13:50:04 16:33:35 - 17:08:47 19:52:18 - 20:27:30 23:11:01 - 23:46:13 |
00:00:00 - 00:35:12 || 03:18:43 - 03:53:55 || 06:37:26 - 07:12:38 || 09:56:09 - 10:31:21 || 13:14:52 - 13:50:04 || 16:33:35 - 17:08:47 || 19:52:18 - 20:27:30 || 23:11:01 - 23:46:13 || |
8 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Ampere's Circuital Law - ll Lecture 9 | 10-12-2024 Tuesday |
03:53:55 - 04:26:58 07:12:38 - 07:45:41 10:31:21 - 11:04:24 13:50:04 - 14:23:07 17:08:47 - 17:41:50 20:27:30 - 21:00:33 23:46:13 - 24:00:00 |
00:35:12 - 01:08:15 || 03:53:55 - 04:26:58 || 07:12:38 - 07:45:41 || 10:31:21 - 11:04:24 || 13:50:04 - 14:23:07 || 17:08:47 - 17:41:50 || 20:27:30 - 21:00:33 || 23:46:13 - 24:00:00 || |
9 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 3 | 10-12-2024 Tuesday |
04:26:58 - 04:57:17 07:45:41 - 08:16:00 11:04:24 - 11:34:43 14:23:07 - 14:53:26 17:41:50 - 18:12:09 21:00:33 - 21:30:52 |
01:08:15 - 01:38:34 || 04:26:58 - 04:57:17 || 07:45:41 - 08:16:00 || 11:04:24 - 11:34:43 || 14:23:07 - 14:53:26 || 17:41:50 - 18:12:09 || 21:00:33 - 21:30:52 || |
10 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 2 | 10-12-2024 Tuesday |
04:57:17 - 05:33:07 08:16:00 - 08:51:50 11:34:43 - 12:10:33 14:53:26 - 15:29:16 18:12:09 - 18:47:59 21:30:52 - 22:06:42 |
01:38:34 - 02:14:24 || 04:57:17 - 05:33:07 || 08:16:00 - 08:51:50 || 11:34:43 - 12:10:33 || 14:53:26 - 15:29:16 || 18:12:09 - 18:47:59 || 21:30:52 - 22:06:42 || |
11 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Introduction to respiration | 10-12-2024 Tuesday |
05:33:07 - 06:02:30 08:51:50 - 09:21:13 12:10:33 - 12:39:56 15:29:16 - 15:58:39 18:47:59 - 19:17:22 22:06:42 - 22:36:05 |
02:14:24 - 02:43:47 || 05:33:07 - 06:02:30 || 08:51:50 - 09:21:13 || 12:10:33 - 12:39:56 || 15:29:16 - 15:58:39 || 18:47:59 - 19:17:22 || 22:06:42 - 22:36:05 || |
12 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant breeding Biotechnology in Agriculture Part 1 | 10-12-2024 Tuesday |
06:02:30 - 06:37:26 09:21:13 - 09:56:09 12:39:56 - 13:14:52 15:58:39 - 16:33:35 19:17:22 - 19:52:18 22:36:05 - 23:11:01 |
02:43:47 - 03:18:43 || 06:02:30 - 06:37:26 || 09:21:13 - 09:56:09 || 12:39:56 - 13:14:52 || 15:58:39 - 16:33:35 || 19:17:22 - 19:52:18 || 22:36:05 - 23:11:01 || |
13 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant breeding Biotechnology in Agriculture Part 2 | 11-12-2024 Wednesday |
02:54:50 - 03:24:09 05:49:40 - 06:18:59 08:44:30 - 09:13:49 11:39:20 - 12:08:39 14:34:10 - 15:03:29 17:29:00 - 17:58:19 20:23:50 - 20:53:09 23:18:40 - 23:47:59 |
00:00:00 - 00:29:19 || 02:54:50 - 03:24:09 || 05:49:40 - 06:18:59 || 08:44:30 - 09:13:49 || 11:39:20 - 12:08:39 || 14:34:10 - 15:03:29 || 17:29:00 - 17:58:19 || 20:23:50 - 20:53:09 || 23:18:40 - 23:47:59 || |
14 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Glycolysis and Anaerobic respiration | 11-12-2024 Wednesday |
03:24:09 - 03:57:15 06:18:59 - 06:52:05 09:13:49 - 09:46:55 12:08:39 - 12:41:45 15:03:29 - 15:36:35 17:58:19 - 18:31:25 20:53:09 - 21:26:15 23:47:59 - 24:00:00 |
00:29:19 - 01:02:25 || 03:24:09 - 03:57:15 || 06:18:59 - 06:52:05 || 09:13:49 - 09:46:55 || 12:08:39 - 12:41:45 || 15:03:29 - 15:36:35 || 17:58:19 - 18:31:25 || 20:53:09 - 21:26:15 || 23:47:59 - 24:00:00 || |
15 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 4 | 11-12-2024 Wednesday |
03:57:15 - 04:12:29 06:52:05 - 07:07:19 09:46:55 - 10:02:09 12:41:45 - 12:56:59 15:36:35 - 15:51:49 18:31:25 - 18:46:39 21:26:15 - 21:41:29 |
01:02:25 - 01:17:39 || 03:57:15 - 04:12:29 || 06:52:05 - 07:07:19 || 09:46:55 - 10:02:09 || 12:41:45 - 12:56:59 || 15:36:35 - 15:51:49 || 18:31:25 - 18:46:39 || 21:26:15 - 21:41:29 || |
16 | Chemistry | ICAR | Acid Bases and Salts NCERT Excercise Part 1 | 11-12-2024 Wednesday |
04:12:29 - 04:43:51 07:07:19 - 07:38:41 10:02:09 - 10:33:31 12:56:59 - 13:28:21 15:51:49 - 16:23:11 18:46:39 - 19:18:01 21:41:29 - 22:12:51 |
01:17:39 - 01:49:01 || 04:12:29 - 04:43:51 || 07:07:19 - 07:38:41 || 10:02:09 - 10:33:31 || 12:56:59 - 13:28:21 || 15:51:49 - 16:23:11 || 18:46:39 - 19:18:01 || 21:41:29 - 22:12:51 || |
17 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Ampere's Circuital Law - lll Lecture 10 | 11-12-2024 Wednesday |
04:43:51 - 05:16:51 07:38:41 - 08:11:41 10:33:31 - 11:06:31 13:28:21 - 14:01:21 16:23:11 - 16:56:11 19:18:01 - 19:51:01 22:12:51 - 22:45:51 |
01:49:01 - 02:22:01 || 04:43:51 - 05:16:51 || 07:38:41 - 08:11:41 || 10:33:31 - 11:06:31 || 13:28:21 - 14:01:21 || 16:23:11 - 16:56:11 || 19:18:01 - 19:51:01 || 22:12:51 - 22:45:51 || |
18 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: The Solenoid Lecture 11 | 11-12-2024 Wednesday |
05:16:51 - 05:49:40 08:11:41 - 08:44:30 11:06:31 - 11:39:20 14:01:21 - 14:34:10 16:56:11 - 17:29:00 19:51:01 - 20:23:50 22:45:51 - 23:18:40 |
02:22:01 - 02:54:50 || 05:16:51 - 05:49:40 || 08:11:41 - 08:44:30 || 11:06:31 - 11:39:20 || 14:01:21 - 14:34:10 || 16:56:11 - 17:29:00 || 19:51:01 - 20:23:50 || 22:45:51 - 23:18:40 || |
19 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant Breeding Plant Tissue Culture Part 1 | 12-12-2024 Thursday |
03:18:37 - 04:03:14 06:37:14 - 07:21:51 09:55:51 - 10:40:28 13:14:28 - 13:59:05 16:33:05 - 17:17:42 19:51:42 - 20:36:19 23:10:19 - 23:54:56 |
00:00:00 - 00:44:37 || 03:18:37 - 04:03:14 || 06:37:14 - 07:21:51 || 09:55:51 - 10:40:28 || 13:14:28 - 13:59:05 || 16:33:05 - 17:17:42 || 19:51:42 - 20:36:19 || 23:10:19 - 23:54:56 || |
20 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Example on Solenoid Lecture 12 | 12-12-2024 Thursday |
04:03:14 - 04:31:58 07:21:51 - 07:50:35 10:40:28 - 11:09:12 13:59:05 - 14:27:49 17:17:42 - 17:46:26 20:36:19 - 21:05:03 23:54:56 - 24:00:00 |
00:44:37 - 01:13:21 || 04:03:14 - 04:31:58 || 07:21:51 - 07:50:35 || 10:40:28 - 11:09:12 || 13:59:05 - 14:27:49 || 17:17:42 - 17:46:26 || 20:36:19 - 21:05:03 || 23:54:56 - 24:00:00 || |
21 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Force Between Two Parallel Currents, The Ampere Lecture 13 | 12-12-2024 Thursday |
04:31:58 - 05:09:15 07:50:35 - 08:27:52 11:09:12 - 11:46:29 14:27:49 - 15:05:06 17:46:26 - 18:23:43 21:05:03 - 21:42:20 |
01:13:21 - 01:50:38 || 04:31:58 - 05:09:15 || 07:50:35 - 08:27:52 || 11:09:12 - 11:46:29 || 14:27:49 - 15:05:06 || 17:46:26 - 18:23:43 || 21:05:03 - 21:42:20 || |
22 | Chemistry | ICAR | Metals and Non Metals NCERT Excercise Part 1 | 12-12-2024 Thursday |
05:09:15 - 05:42:08 08:27:52 - 09:00:45 11:46:29 - 12:19:22 15:05:06 - 15:37:59 18:23:43 - 18:56:36 21:42:20 - 22:15:13 |
01:50:38 - 02:23:31 || 05:09:15 - 05:42:08 || 08:27:52 - 09:00:45 || 11:46:29 - 12:19:22 || 15:05:06 - 15:37:59 || 18:23:43 - 18:56:36 || 21:42:20 - 22:15:13 || |
23 | Chemistry | ICAR | Acid Bases and Salts NCERT Excercise Part 2 | 12-12-2024 Thursday |
05:42:08 - 06:12:26 09:00:45 - 09:31:03 12:19:22 - 12:49:40 15:37:59 - 16:08:17 18:56:36 - 19:26:54 22:15:13 - 22:45:31 |
02:23:31 - 02:53:49 || 05:42:08 - 06:12:26 || 09:00:45 - 09:31:03 || 12:19:22 - 12:49:40 || 15:37:59 - 16:08:17 || 18:56:36 - 19:26:54 || 22:15:13 - 22:45:31 || |
24 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Aerobic respiration | 12-12-2024 Thursday |
06:12:26 - 06:37:14 09:31:03 - 09:55:51 12:49:40 - 13:14:28 16:08:17 - 16:33:05 19:26:54 - 19:51:42 22:45:31 - 23:10:19 |
02:53:49 - 03:18:37 || 06:12:26 - 06:37:14 || 09:31:03 - 09:55:51 || 12:49:40 - 13:14:28 || 16:08:17 - 16:33:05 || 19:26:54 - 19:51:42 || 22:45:31 - 23:10:19 || |
25 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant Breeding Plant Tissue Culture Part 2 | 13-12-2024 Friday |
03:09:06 - 03:30:54 06:18:12 - 06:40:00 09:27:18 - 09:49:06 12:36:24 - 12:58:12 15:45:30 - 16:07:18 18:54:36 - 19:16:24 22:03:42 - 22:25:30 |
00:00:00 - 00:21:48 || 03:09:06 - 03:30:54 || 06:18:12 - 06:40:00 || 09:27:18 - 09:49:06 || 12:36:24 - 12:58:12 || 15:45:30 - 16:07:18 || 18:54:36 - 19:16:24 || 22:03:42 - 22:25:30 || |
26 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Electron transport chain and Respiratory quotient | 13-12-2024 Friday |
03:30:54 - 04:15:37 06:40:00 - 07:24:43 09:49:06 - 10:33:49 12:58:12 - 13:42:55 16:07:18 - 16:52:01 19:16:24 - 20:01:07 22:25:30 - 23:10:13 |
00:21:48 - 01:06:31 || 03:30:54 - 04:15:37 || 06:40:00 - 07:24:43 || 09:49:06 - 10:33:49 || 12:58:12 - 13:42:55 || 16:07:18 - 16:52:01 || 19:16:24 - 20:01:07 || 22:25:30 - 23:10:13 || |
27 | Chemistry | ICAR | Metals and Non Metals NCERT Excercise Part 2 | 13-12-2024 Friday |
04:15:37 - 04:44:07 07:24:43 - 07:53:13 10:33:49 - 11:02:19 13:42:55 - 14:11:25 16:52:01 - 17:20:31 20:01:07 - 20:29:37 23:10:13 - 23:38:43 |
01:06:31 - 01:35:01 || 04:15:37 - 04:44:07 || 07:24:43 - 07:53:13 || 10:33:49 - 11:02:19 || 13:42:55 - 14:11:25 || 16:52:01 - 17:20:31 || 20:01:07 - 20:29:37 || 23:10:13 - 23:38:43 || |
28 | Chemistry | ICAR | Solution Part- 1 | 13-12-2024 Friday |
04:44:07 - 05:09:41 07:53:13 - 08:18:47 11:02:19 - 11:27:53 14:11:25 - 14:36:59 17:20:31 - 17:46:05 20:29:37 - 20:55:11 23:38:43 - 24:00:00 |
01:35:01 - 02:00:35 || 04:44:07 - 05:09:41 || 07:53:13 - 08:18:47 || 11:02:19 - 11:27:53 || 14:11:25 - 14:36:59 || 17:20:31 - 17:46:05 || 20:29:37 - 20:55:11 || 23:38:43 - 24:00:00 || |
29 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole - l Lecture 14 | 13-12-2024 Friday |
05:09:41 - 05:41:36 08:18:47 - 08:50:42 11:27:53 - 11:59:48 14:36:59 - 15:08:54 17:46:05 - 18:18:00 20:55:11 - 21:27:06 |
02:00:35 - 02:32:30 || 05:09:41 - 05:41:36 || 08:18:47 - 08:50:42 || 11:27:53 - 11:59:48 || 14:36:59 - 15:08:54 || 17:46:05 - 18:18:00 || 20:55:11 - 21:27:06 || |
30 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole - ll Lecture 15 | 13-12-2024 Friday |
05:41:36 - 06:18:12 08:50:42 - 09:27:18 11:59:48 - 12:36:24 15:08:54 - 15:45:30 18:18:00 - 18:54:36 21:27:06 - 22:03:42 |
02:32:30 - 03:09:06 || 05:41:36 - 06:18:12 || 08:50:42 - 09:27:18 || 11:59:48 - 12:36:24 || 15:08:54 - 15:45:30 || 18:18:00 - 18:54:36 || 21:27:06 - 22:03:42 || |
31 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant breeding Mutation Breeding | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
06:47:13 - 07:14:23 13:34:26 - 14:01:36 20:21:39 - 20:48:49 |
00:00:00 - 00:27:10 || 06:47:13 - 07:14:23 || 13:34:26 - 14:01:36 || 20:21:39 - 20:48:49 || |
32 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Ampere's Circuital Law - ll Lecture 9 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
07:14:23 - 07:47:26 14:01:36 - 14:34:39 20:48:49 - 21:21:52 |
00:27:10 - 01:00:13 || 07:14:23 - 07:47:26 || 14:01:36 - 14:34:39 || 20:48:49 - 21:21:52 || |
33 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Ampere's Circuital Law - l Lecture 8 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
07:47:26 - 08:22:38 14:34:39 - 15:09:51 21:21:52 - 21:57:04 |
01:00:13 - 01:35:25 || 07:47:26 - 08:22:38 || 14:34:39 - 15:09:51 || 21:21:52 - 21:57:04 || |
34 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 3 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
08:22:38 - 08:52:57 15:09:51 - 15:40:10 21:57:04 - 22:27:23 |
01:35:25 - 02:05:44 || 08:22:38 - 08:52:57 || 15:09:51 - 15:40:10 || 21:57:04 - 22:27:23 || |
35 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 2 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
08:52:57 - 09:28:47 15:40:10 - 16:16:00 22:27:23 - 23:03:13 |
02:05:44 - 02:41:34 || 08:52:57 - 09:28:47 || 15:40:10 - 16:16:00 || 22:27:23 - 23:03:13 || |
36 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Introduction to respiration | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
09:28:47 - 09:58:10 16:16:00 - 16:45:23 23:03:13 - 23:32:36 |
02:41:34 - 03:10:57 || 09:28:47 - 09:58:10 || 16:16:00 - 16:45:23 || 23:03:13 - 23:32:36 || |
37 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Biot-SAVART LAW Lecture 6 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
09:58:10 - 10:28:03 16:45:23 - 17:15:16 23:32:36 - 24:00:00 |
03:10:57 - 03:40:50 || 09:58:10 - 10:28:03 || 16:45:23 - 17:15:16 || 23:32:36 - 24:00:00 || |
38 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Magnetic Field on the Axis of a Circular Current Loop Lecture 7 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
10:28:03 - 11:06:27 17:15:16 - 17:53:40 |
03:40:50 - 04:19:14 || 10:28:03 - 11:06:27 || 17:15:16 - 17:53:40 || |
39 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 1 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
11:06:27 - 11:37:39 17:53:40 - 18:24:52 |
04:19:14 - 04:50:26 || 11:06:27 - 11:37:39 || 17:53:40 - 18:24:52 || |
40 | Chemistry | ICAR | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Part- 4 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
11:37:39 - 12:24:11 18:24:52 - 19:11:24 |
04:50:26 - 05:36:58 || 11:37:39 - 12:24:11 || 18:24:52 - 19:11:24 || |
41 | Biology | ICAR | MCOs for Cell cycle and Cell division Part 2 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
12:24:11 - 12:59:30 19:11:24 - 19:46:43 |
05:36:58 - 06:12:17 || 12:24:11 - 12:59:30 || 19:11:24 - 19:46:43 || |
42 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant breeding Biotechnology in Agriculture Part 1 | 14-12-2024 Saturday |
12:59:30 - 13:34:26 19:46:43 - 20:21:39 |
06:12:17 - 06:47:13 || 12:59:30 - 13:34:26 || 19:46:43 - 20:21:39 || |
43 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole - ll Lecture 15 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
09:22:33 - 09:59:09 18:45:06 - 19:21:42 |
00:00:00 - 00:36:36 || 09:22:33 - 09:59:09 || 18:45:06 - 19:21:42 || |
44 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Torque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole - l Lecture 14 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
09:59:09 - 10:31:04 19:21:42 - 19:53:37 |
00:36:36 - 01:08:31 || 09:59:09 - 10:31:04 || 19:21:42 - 19:53:37 || |
45 | Chemistry | ICAR | Solution Part- 1 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
10:31:04 - 10:56:38 19:53:37 - 20:19:11 |
01:08:31 - 01:34:05 || 10:31:04 - 10:56:38 || 19:53:37 - 20:19:11 || |
46 | Chemistry | ICAR | Metals and Non Metals NCERT Excercise Part 2 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
10:56:38 - 11:25:08 20:19:11 - 20:47:41 |
01:34:05 - 02:02:35 || 10:56:38 - 11:25:08 || 20:19:11 - 20:47:41 || |
47 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Electron transport chain and Respiratory quotient | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
11:25:08 - 12:09:51 20:47:41 - 21:32:24 |
02:02:35 - 02:47:18 || 11:25:08 - 12:09:51 || 20:47:41 - 21:32:24 || |
48 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant Breeding Plant Tissue Culture Part 2 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
12:09:51 - 12:31:39 21:32:24 - 21:54:12 |
02:47:18 - 03:09:06 || 12:09:51 - 12:31:39 || 21:32:24 - 21:54:12 || |
49 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Example on Solenoid Lecture 12 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
12:31:39 - 13:00:23 21:54:12 - 22:22:56 |
03:09:06 - 03:37:50 || 12:31:39 - 13:00:23 || 21:54:12 - 22:22:56 || |
50 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Force Between Two Parallel Currents, The Ampere Lecture 13 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
13:00:23 - 13:37:40 22:22:56 - 23:00:13 |
03:37:50 - 04:15:07 || 13:00:23 - 13:37:40 || 22:22:56 - 23:00:13 || |
51 | Chemistry | ICAR | Metals and Non Metals NCERT Excercise Part 1 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
13:37:40 - 14:10:33 23:00:13 - 23:33:06 |
04:15:07 - 04:48:00 || 13:37:40 - 14:10:33 || 23:00:13 - 23:33:06 || |
52 | Chemistry | ICAR | Acid Bases and Salts NCERT Excercise Part 2 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
14:10:33 - 14:40:51 23:33:06 - 24:00:00 |
04:48:00 - 05:18:18 || 14:10:33 - 14:40:51 || 23:33:06 - 24:00:00 || |
53 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Aerobic respiration | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
14:40:51 - 15:05:39 |
05:18:18 - 05:43:06 || 14:40:51 - 15:05:39 || |
54 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant Breeding Plant Tissue Culture Part 1 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
15:05:39 - 15:50:16 |
05:43:06 - 06:27:43 || 15:05:39 - 15:50:16 || |
55 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: The Solenoid Lecture 11 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
15:50:16 - 16:23:05 |
06:27:43 - 07:00:32 || 15:50:16 - 16:23:05 || |
56 | Physics | ICAR | Moving Charges and Magnetism: Ampere's Circuital Law - lll Lecture 10 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
16:23:05 - 16:56:05 |
07:00:32 - 07:33:32 || 16:23:05 - 16:56:05 || |
57 | Chemistry | ICAR | Acid Bases and Salts NCERT Excercise Part 1 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
16:56:05 - 17:27:27 |
07:33:32 - 08:04:54 || 16:56:05 - 17:27:27 || |
58 | Chemistry | ICAR | Chemical Reaction and Equation NCERT Exercise Part 4 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
17:27:27 - 17:42:41 |
08:04:54 - 08:20:08 || 17:27:27 - 17:42:41 || |
59 | Biology | ICAR | Respiration in plants Glycolysis and Anaerobic respiration | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
17:42:41 - 18:15:47 |
08:20:08 - 08:53:14 || 17:42:41 - 18:15:47 || |
60 | Agriculture | ICAR | Genetics and Plant breeding Biotechnology in Agriculture Part 2 | 15-12-2024 Sunday |
18:15:47 - 18:45:06 |
08:53:14 - 09:22:33 || 18:15:47 - 18:45:06 || |
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