No. Subject Course Topic Telecast Date / Day Telecast Time Repeat Time
1 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Types of Problems on Averages Part 2 23-07-2024 Tuesday


    00:00:00 - 00:26:06
    03:39:18 - 04:05:24
    07:18:36 - 07:44:42
    10:57:54 - 11:24:00
    14:37:12 - 15:03:18
    18:16:30 - 18:42:36
    21:55:48 - 22:21:54

00:00:00 - 00:26:06 || 03:39:18 - 04:05:24 || 07:18:36 - 07:44:42 || 10:57:54 - 11:24:00 || 14:37:12 - 15:03:18 || 18:16:30 - 18:42:36 || 21:55:48 - 22:21:54 ||
2 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Alpha Numeric Series Essentials Types and Examples 23-07-2024 Tuesday


    00:26:06 - 01:22:32
    04:05:24 - 05:01:50
    07:44:42 - 08:41:08
    11:24:00 - 12:20:26
    15:03:18 - 15:59:44
    18:42:36 - 19:39:02
    22:21:54 - 23:18:20

00:26:06 - 01:22:32 || 04:05:24 - 05:01:50 || 07:44:42 - 08:41:08 || 11:24:00 - 12:20:26 || 15:03:18 - 15:59:44 || 18:42:36 - 19:39:02 || 22:21:54 - 23:18:20 ||
3 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Advanced Patterns in Alpha Numeric Series 23-07-2024 Tuesday


    01:22:32 - 02:22:35
    05:01:50 - 06:01:53
    08:41:08 - 09:41:11
    12:20:26 - 13:20:29
    15:59:44 - 16:59:47
    19:39:02 - 20:39:05
    23:18:20 - 24:00:00

01:22:32 - 02:22:35 || 05:01:50 - 06:01:53 || 08:41:08 - 09:41:11 || 12:20:26 - 13:20:29 || 15:59:44 - 16:59:47 || 19:39:02 - 20:39:05 || 23:18:20 - 24:00:00 ||
4 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(5) Articles 23-07-2024 Tuesday


    02:22:35 - 02:52:55
    06:01:53 - 06:32:13
    09:41:11 - 10:11:31
    13:20:29 - 13:50:49
    16:59:47 - 17:30:07
    20:39:05 - 21:09:25

02:22:35 - 02:52:55 || 06:01:53 - 06:32:13 || 09:41:11 - 10:11:31 || 13:20:29 - 13:50:49 || 16:59:47 - 17:30:07 || 20:39:05 - 21:09:25 ||
5 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(6) Ornaments and Jewels Musical Instruments 23-07-2024 Tuesday


    02:52:55 - 03:13:03
    06:32:13 - 06:52:21
    10:11:31 - 10:31:39
    13:50:49 - 14:10:57
    17:30:07 - 17:50:15
    21:09:25 - 21:29:33

02:52:55 - 03:13:03 || 06:32:13 - 06:52:21 || 10:11:31 - 10:31:39 || 13:50:49 - 14:10:57 || 17:30:07 - 17:50:15 || 21:09:25 - 21:29:33 ||
6 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Concepts of Averages Part 1 23-07-2024 Tuesday


    03:13:03 - 03:39:18
    06:52:21 - 07:18:36
    10:31:39 - 10:57:54
    14:10:57 - 14:37:12
    17:50:15 - 18:16:30
    21:29:33 - 21:55:48

03:13:03 - 03:39:18 || 06:52:21 - 07:18:36 || 10:31:39 - 10:57:54 || 14:10:57 - 14:37:12 || 17:50:15 - 18:16:30 || 21:29:33 - 21:55:48 ||
7 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Averages Part 3 24-07-2024 Wednesday


    00:00:00 - 00:26:07
    02:30:11 - 02:56:18
    05:00:22 - 05:26:29
    07:30:33 - 07:56:40
    10:00:44 - 10:26:51
    12:30:55 - 12:57:02
    15:01:06 - 15:27:13
    17:31:17 - 17:57:24
    20:01:28 - 20:27:35
    22:31:39 - 22:57:46

00:00:00 - 00:26:07 || 02:30:11 - 02:56:18 || 05:00:22 - 05:26:29 || 07:30:33 - 07:56:40 || 10:00:44 - 10:26:51 || 12:30:55 - 12:57:02 || 15:01:06 - 15:27:13 || 17:31:17 - 17:57:24 || 20:01:28 - 20:27:35 || 22:31:39 - 22:57:46 ||
8 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Averages Part 4 24-07-2024 Wednesday


    00:26:07 - 00:52:53
    02:56:18 - 03:23:04
    05:26:29 - 05:53:15
    07:56:40 - 08:23:26
    10:26:51 - 10:53:37
    12:57:02 - 13:23:48
    15:27:13 - 15:53:59
    17:57:24 - 18:24:10
    20:27:35 - 20:54:21
    22:57:46 - 23:24:32

00:26:07 - 00:52:53 || 02:56:18 - 03:23:04 || 05:26:29 - 05:53:15 || 07:56:40 - 08:23:26 || 10:26:51 - 10:53:37 || 12:57:02 - 13:23:48 || 15:27:13 - 15:53:59 || 17:57:24 - 18:24:10 || 20:27:35 - 20:54:21 || 22:57:46 - 23:24:32 ||
9 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 1 24-07-2024 Wednesday


    00:52:53 - 01:21:24
    03:23:04 - 03:51:35
    05:53:15 - 06:21:46
    08:23:26 - 08:51:57
    10:53:37 - 11:22:08
    13:23:48 - 13:52:19
    15:53:59 - 16:22:30
    18:24:10 - 18:52:41
    20:54:21 - 21:22:52
    23:24:32 - 23:53:03

00:52:53 - 01:21:24 || 03:23:04 - 03:51:35 || 05:53:15 - 06:21:46 || 08:23:26 - 08:51:57 || 10:53:37 - 11:22:08 || 13:23:48 - 13:52:19 || 15:53:59 - 16:22:30 || 18:24:10 - 18:52:41 || 20:54:21 - 21:22:52 || 23:24:32 - 23:53:03 ||
10 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 2 24-07-2024 Wednesday


    01:21:24 - 01:44:34
    03:51:35 - 04:14:45
    06:21:46 - 06:44:56
    08:51:57 - 09:15:07
    11:22:08 - 11:45:18
    13:52:19 - 14:15:29
    16:22:30 - 16:45:40
    18:52:41 - 19:15:51
    21:22:52 - 21:46:02
    23:53:03 - 24:00:00

01:21:24 - 01:44:34 || 03:51:35 - 04:14:45 || 06:21:46 - 06:44:56 || 08:51:57 - 09:15:07 || 11:22:08 - 11:45:18 || 13:52:19 - 14:15:29 || 16:22:30 - 16:45:40 || 18:52:41 - 19:15:51 || 21:22:52 - 21:46:02 || 23:53:03 - 24:00:00 ||
11 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(7) Cereals and Eatables 24-07-2024 Wednesday


    01:44:34 - 02:10:06
    04:14:45 - 04:40:17
    06:44:56 - 07:10:28
    09:15:07 - 09:40:39
    11:45:18 - 12:10:50
    14:15:29 - 14:41:01
    16:45:40 - 17:11:12
    19:15:51 - 19:41:23
    21:46:02 - 22:11:34

01:44:34 - 02:10:06 || 04:14:45 - 04:40:17 || 06:44:56 - 07:10:28 || 09:15:07 - 09:40:39 || 11:45:18 - 12:10:50 || 14:15:29 - 14:41:01 || 16:45:40 - 17:11:12 || 19:15:51 - 19:41:23 || 21:46:02 - 22:11:34 ||
12 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(8) Minerals Trees and their parts 24-07-2024 Wednesday


    02:10:06 - 02:30:11
    04:40:17 - 05:00:22
    07:10:28 - 07:30:33
    09:40:39 - 10:00:44
    12:10:50 - 12:30:55
    14:41:01 - 15:01:06
    17:11:12 - 17:31:17
    19:41:23 - 20:01:28
    22:11:34 - 22:31:39

02:10:06 - 02:30:11 || 04:40:17 - 05:00:22 || 07:10:28 - 07:30:33 || 09:40:39 - 10:00:44 || 12:10:50 - 12:30:55 || 14:41:01 - 15:01:06 || 17:11:12 - 17:31:17 || 19:41:23 - 20:01:28 || 22:11:34 - 22:31:39 ||
13 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(9) Flowers, Fruits, dry fruits & Vegetables 25-07-2024 Thursday


    00:00:00 - 00:18:38
    02:29:19 - 02:47:57
    04:58:38 - 05:17:16
    07:27:57 - 07:46:35
    09:57:16 - 10:15:54
    12:26:35 - 12:45:13
    14:55:54 - 15:14:32
    17:25:13 - 17:43:51
    19:54:32 - 20:13:10
    22:23:51 - 22:42:29

00:00:00 - 00:18:38 || 02:29:19 - 02:47:57 || 04:58:38 - 05:17:16 || 07:27:57 - 07:46:35 || 09:57:16 - 10:15:54 || 12:26:35 - 12:45:13 || 14:55:54 - 15:14:32 || 17:25:13 - 17:43:51 || 19:54:32 - 20:13:10 || 22:23:51 - 22:42:29 ||
14 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(10) Buildings and their parts 25-07-2024 Thursday


    00:18:38 - 00:44:00
    02:47:57 - 03:13:19
    05:17:16 - 05:42:38
    07:46:35 - 08:11:57
    10:15:54 - 10:41:16
    12:45:13 - 13:10:35
    15:14:32 - 15:39:54
    17:43:51 - 18:09:13
    20:13:10 - 20:38:32
    22:42:29 - 23:07:51

00:18:38 - 00:44:00 || 02:47:57 - 03:13:19 || 05:17:16 - 05:42:38 || 07:46:35 - 08:11:57 || 10:15:54 - 10:41:16 || 12:45:13 - 13:10:35 || 15:14:32 - 15:39:54 || 17:43:51 - 18:09:13 || 20:13:10 - 20:38:32 || 22:42:29 - 23:07:51 ||
15 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 4 25-07-2024 Thursday


    00:44:00 - 01:08:23
    03:13:19 - 03:37:42
    05:42:38 - 06:07:01
    08:11:57 - 08:36:20
    10:41:16 - 11:05:39
    13:10:35 - 13:34:58
    15:39:54 - 16:04:17
    18:09:13 - 18:33:36
    20:38:32 - 21:02:55
    23:07:51 - 23:32:14

00:44:00 - 01:08:23 || 03:13:19 - 03:37:42 || 05:42:38 - 06:07:01 || 08:11:57 - 08:36:20 || 10:41:16 - 11:05:39 || 13:10:35 - 13:34:58 || 15:39:54 - 16:04:17 || 18:09:13 - 18:33:36 || 20:38:32 - 21:02:55 || 23:07:51 - 23:32:14 ||
16 Numerical Ability Banking Exams IBPS Exam PYQs on Averages Part 6 25-07-2024 Thursday


    01:08:23 - 01:35:36
    03:37:42 - 04:04:55
    06:07:01 - 06:34:14
    08:36:20 - 09:03:33
    11:05:39 - 11:32:52
    13:34:58 - 14:02:11
    16:04:17 - 16:31:30
    18:33:36 - 19:00:49
    21:02:55 - 21:30:08
    23:32:14 - 23:59:27

01:08:23 - 01:35:36 || 03:37:42 - 04:04:55 || 06:07:01 - 06:34:14 || 08:36:20 - 09:03:33 || 11:05:39 - 11:32:52 || 13:34:58 - 14:02:11 || 16:04:17 - 16:31:30 || 18:33:36 - 19:00:49 || 21:02:55 - 21:30:08 || 23:32:14 - 23:59:27 ||
17 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 3 25-07-2024 Thursday


    01:35:36 - 02:01:51
    04:04:55 - 04:31:10
    06:34:14 - 07:00:29
    09:03:33 - 09:29:48
    11:32:52 - 11:59:07
    14:02:11 - 14:28:26
    16:31:30 - 16:57:45
    19:00:49 - 19:27:04
    21:30:08 - 21:56:23
    23:59:27 - 24:00:00

01:35:36 - 02:01:51 || 04:04:55 - 04:31:10 || 06:34:14 - 07:00:29 || 09:03:33 - 09:29:48 || 11:32:52 - 11:59:07 || 14:02:11 - 14:28:26 || 16:31:30 - 16:57:45 || 19:00:49 - 19:27:04 || 21:30:08 - 21:56:23 || 23:59:27 - 24:00:00 ||
18 Numerical Ability Banking Exams IBPS Exam PYQs on Averages Part 5 25-07-2024 Thursday


    02:01:51 - 02:29:19
    04:31:10 - 04:58:38
    07:00:29 - 07:27:57
    09:29:48 - 09:57:16
    11:59:07 - 12:26:35
    14:28:26 - 14:55:54
    16:57:45 - 17:25:13
    19:27:04 - 19:54:32
    21:56:23 - 22:23:51

02:01:51 - 02:29:19 || 04:31:10 - 04:58:38 || 07:00:29 - 07:27:57 || 09:29:48 - 09:57:16 || 11:59:07 - 12:26:35 || 14:28:26 - 14:55:54 || 16:57:45 - 17:25:13 || 19:27:04 - 19:54:32 || 21:56:23 - 22:23:51 ||
19 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Concepts of Profit and Loss and Types of Problems Part 1 26-07-2024 Friday


    00:00:00 - 00:25:33
    02:41:40 - 03:07:13
    05:23:20 - 05:48:53
    08:05:00 - 08:30:33
    10:46:40 - 11:12:13
    13:28:20 - 13:53:53
    16:10:00 - 16:35:33
    18:51:40 - 19:17:13
    21:33:20 - 21:58:53

00:00:00 - 00:25:33 || 02:41:40 - 03:07:13 || 05:23:20 - 05:48:53 || 08:05:00 - 08:30:33 || 10:46:40 - 11:12:13 || 13:28:20 - 13:53:53 || 16:10:00 - 16:35:33 || 18:51:40 - 19:17:13 || 21:33:20 - 21:58:53 ||
20 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Profit and Loss Part 2 26-07-2024 Friday


    00:25:33 - 00:53:15
    03:07:13 - 03:34:55
    05:48:53 - 06:16:35
    08:30:33 - 08:58:15
    11:12:13 - 11:39:55
    13:53:53 - 14:21:35
    16:35:33 - 17:03:15
    19:17:13 - 19:44:55
    21:58:53 - 22:26:35

00:25:33 - 00:53:15 || 03:07:13 - 03:34:55 || 05:48:53 - 06:16:35 || 08:30:33 - 08:58:15 || 11:12:13 - 11:39:55 || 13:53:53 - 14:21:35 || 16:35:33 - 17:03:15 || 19:17:13 - 19:44:55 || 21:58:53 - 22:26:35 ||
21 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 5 26-07-2024 Friday


    00:53:15 - 01:20:20
    03:34:55 - 04:02:00
    06:16:35 - 06:43:40
    08:58:15 - 09:25:20
    11:39:55 - 12:07:00
    14:21:35 - 14:48:40
    17:03:15 - 17:30:20
    19:44:55 - 20:12:00
    22:26:35 - 22:53:40

00:53:15 - 01:20:20 || 03:34:55 - 04:02:00 || 06:16:35 - 06:43:40 || 08:58:15 - 09:25:20 || 11:39:55 - 12:07:00 || 14:21:35 - 14:48:40 || 17:03:15 - 17:30:20 || 19:44:55 - 20:12:00 || 22:26:35 - 22:53:40 ||
22 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 6 26-07-2024 Friday


    01:20:20 - 01:49:02
    04:02:00 - 04:30:42
    06:43:40 - 07:12:22
    09:25:20 - 09:54:02
    12:07:00 - 12:35:42
    14:48:40 - 15:17:22
    17:30:20 - 17:59:02
    20:12:00 - 20:40:42
    22:53:40 - 23:22:22

01:20:20 - 01:49:02 || 04:02:00 - 04:30:42 || 06:43:40 - 07:12:22 || 09:25:20 - 09:54:02 || 12:07:00 - 12:35:42 || 14:48:40 - 15:17:22 || 17:30:20 - 17:59:02 || 20:12:00 - 20:40:42 || 22:53:40 - 23:22:22 ||
23 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(11) Tools 26-07-2024 Friday


    01:49:02 - 02:21:39
    04:30:42 - 05:03:19
    07:12:22 - 07:44:59
    09:54:02 - 10:26:39
    12:35:42 - 13:08:19
    15:17:22 - 15:49:59
    17:59:02 - 18:31:39
    20:40:42 - 21:13:19
    23:22:22 - 23:54:59

01:49:02 - 02:21:39 || 04:30:42 - 05:03:19 || 07:12:22 - 07:44:59 || 09:54:02 - 10:26:39 || 12:35:42 - 13:08:19 || 15:17:22 - 15:49:59 || 17:59:02 - 18:31:39 || 20:40:42 - 21:13:19 || 23:22:22 - 23:54:59 ||
24 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(12) Warfare 26-07-2024 Friday


    02:21:39 - 02:41:40
    05:03:19 - 05:23:20
    07:44:59 - 08:05:00
    10:26:39 - 10:46:40
    13:08:19 - 13:28:20
    15:49:59 - 16:10:00
    18:31:39 - 18:51:40
    21:13:19 - 21:33:20
    23:54:59 - 24:00:00

02:21:39 - 02:41:40 || 05:03:19 - 05:23:20 || 07:44:59 - 08:05:00 || 10:26:39 - 10:46:40 || 13:08:19 - 13:28:20 || 15:49:59 - 16:10:00 || 18:31:39 - 18:51:40 || 21:13:19 - 21:33:20 || 23:54:59 - 24:00:00 ||
25 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(8) Minerals Trees and their parts 27-07-2024 Saturday


    00:00:00 - 00:20:05
    08:34:44 - 08:54:49
    17:09:28 - 17:29:33

00:00:00 - 00:20:05 || 08:34:44 - 08:54:49 || 17:09:28 - 17:29:33 ||
26 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(5) Articles 27-07-2024 Saturday


    00:20:05 - 00:50:25
    08:54:49 - 09:25:09
    17:29:33 - 17:59:53

00:20:05 - 00:50:25 || 08:54:49 - 09:25:09 || 17:29:33 - 17:59:53 ||
27 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(6) Ornaments and Jewels Musical Instruments 27-07-2024 Saturday


    00:50:25 - 01:10:33
    09:25:09 - 09:45:17
    17:59:53 - 18:20:01

00:50:25 - 01:10:33 || 09:25:09 - 09:45:17 || 17:59:53 - 18:20:01 ||
28 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Averages Part 3 27-07-2024 Saturday


    01:10:33 - 01:36:40
    09:45:17 - 10:11:24
    18:20:01 - 18:46:08

01:10:33 - 01:36:40 || 09:45:17 - 10:11:24 || 18:20:01 - 18:46:08 ||
29 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Averages Part 4 27-07-2024 Saturday


    01:36:40 - 02:03:26
    10:11:24 - 10:38:10
    18:46:08 - 19:12:54

01:36:40 - 02:03:26 || 10:11:24 - 10:38:10 || 18:46:08 - 19:12:54 ||
30 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 1 27-07-2024 Saturday


    02:03:26 - 02:31:57
    10:38:10 - 11:06:41
    19:12:54 - 19:41:25

02:03:26 - 02:31:57 || 10:38:10 - 11:06:41 || 19:12:54 - 19:41:25 ||
31 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 2 27-07-2024 Saturday


    02:31:57 - 02:55:07
    11:06:41 - 11:29:51
    19:41:25 - 20:04:35

02:31:57 - 02:55:07 || 11:06:41 - 11:29:51 || 19:41:25 - 20:04:35 ||
32 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(7) Cereals and Eatables 27-07-2024 Saturday


    02:55:07 - 03:20:39
    11:29:51 - 11:55:23
    20:04:35 - 20:30:07

02:55:07 - 03:20:39 || 11:29:51 - 11:55:23 || 20:04:35 - 20:30:07 ||
33 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Concepts of Averages Part 1 27-07-2024 Saturday


    03:20:39 - 03:46:54
    11:55:23 - 12:21:38
    20:30:07 - 20:56:22

03:20:39 - 03:46:54 || 11:55:23 - 12:21:38 || 20:30:07 - 20:56:22 ||
34 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Alpha Numeric Series Essentials Types and Examples 27-07-2024 Saturday


    03:46:54 - 04:43:20
    12:21:38 - 13:18:04
    20:56:22 - 21:52:48

03:46:54 - 04:43:20 || 12:21:38 - 13:18:04 || 20:56:22 - 21:52:48 ||
35 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Types of Problems on Averages Part 2 27-07-2024 Saturday


    04:43:20 - 05:09:26
    13:18:04 - 13:44:10
    21:52:48 - 22:18:54

04:43:20 - 05:09:26 || 13:18:04 - 13:44:10 || 21:52:48 - 22:18:54 ||
36 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(4) Relations 27-07-2024 Saturday


    05:09:26 - 05:32:14
    13:44:10 - 14:06:58
    22:18:54 - 22:41:42

05:09:26 - 05:32:14 || 13:44:10 - 14:06:58 || 22:18:54 - 22:41:42 ||
37 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(3) Dresses 27-07-2024 Saturday


    05:32:14 - 05:47:11
    14:06:58 - 14:21:55
    22:41:42 - 22:56:39

05:32:14 - 05:47:11 || 14:06:58 - 14:21:55 || 22:41:42 - 22:56:39 ||
38 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Questions on Ranking Problems Part 2 27-07-2024 Saturday


    05:47:11 - 06:17:30
    14:21:55 - 14:52:14
    22:56:39 - 23:26:58

05:47:11 - 06:17:30 || 14:21:55 - 14:52:14 || 22:56:39 - 23:26:58 ||
39 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Questions on Ranking Problems Part 1 27-07-2024 Saturday


    06:17:30 - 06:44:59
    14:52:14 - 15:19:43
    23:26:58 - 23:54:27

06:17:30 - 06:44:59 || 14:52:14 - 15:19:43 || 23:26:58 - 23:54:27 ||
40 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Quadratic Equation Part 3 27-07-2024 Saturday


    06:44:59 - 07:07:14
    15:19:43 - 15:41:58
    23:54:27 - 24:00:00

06:44:59 - 07:07:14 || 15:19:43 - 15:41:58 || 23:54:27 - 24:00:00 ||
41 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Types of Problems of Quadratic Equation Part 2 27-07-2024 Saturday


    07:07:14 - 07:34:41
    15:41:58 - 16:09:25

07:07:14 - 07:34:41 || 15:41:58 - 16:09:25 ||
42 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Advanced Patterns in Alpha Numeric Series 27-07-2024 Saturday


    07:34:41 - 08:34:44
    16:09:25 - 17:09:28

07:34:41 - 08:34:44 || 16:09:25 - 17:09:28 ||
43 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(9) Flowers, Fruits, dry fruits & Vegetables 28-07-2024 Sunday


    00:00:00 - 00:18:38
    05:10:59 - 05:29:37
    10:21:58 - 10:40:36
    15:32:57 - 15:51:35
    20:43:56 - 21:02:34

00:00:00 - 00:18:38 || 05:10:59 - 05:29:37 || 10:21:58 - 10:40:36 || 15:32:57 - 15:51:35 || 20:43:56 - 21:02:34 ||
44 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(12) Warfare 28-07-2024 Sunday


    00:18:38 - 00:38:39
    05:29:37 - 05:49:38
    10:40:36 - 11:00:37
    15:51:35 - 16:11:36
    21:02:34 - 21:22:35

00:18:38 - 00:38:39 || 05:29:37 - 05:49:38 || 10:40:36 - 11:00:37 || 15:51:35 - 16:11:36 || 21:02:34 - 21:22:35 ||
45 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(11) Tools 28-07-2024 Sunday


    00:38:39 - 01:11:16
    05:49:38 - 06:22:15
    11:00:37 - 11:33:14
    16:11:36 - 16:44:13
    21:22:35 - 21:55:12

00:38:39 - 01:11:16 || 05:49:38 - 06:22:15 || 11:00:37 - 11:33:14 || 16:11:36 - 16:44:13 || 21:22:35 - 21:55:12 ||
46 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 6 28-07-2024 Sunday


    01:11:16 - 01:39:58
    06:22:15 - 06:50:57
    11:33:14 - 12:01:56
    16:44:13 - 17:12:55
    21:55:12 - 22:23:54

01:11:16 - 01:39:58 || 06:22:15 - 06:50:57 || 11:33:14 - 12:01:56 || 16:44:13 - 17:12:55 || 21:55:12 - 22:23:54 ||
47 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 5 28-07-2024 Sunday


    01:39:58 - 02:07:03
    06:50:57 - 07:18:02
    12:01:56 - 12:29:01
    17:12:55 - 17:40:00
    22:23:54 - 22:50:59

01:39:58 - 02:07:03 || 06:50:57 - 07:18:02 || 12:01:56 - 12:29:01 || 17:12:55 - 17:40:00 || 22:23:54 - 22:50:59 ||
48 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Profit and Loss Part 2 28-07-2024 Sunday


    02:07:03 - 02:34:45
    07:18:02 - 07:45:44
    12:29:01 - 12:56:43
    17:40:00 - 18:07:42
    22:50:59 - 23:18:41

02:07:03 - 02:34:45 || 07:18:02 - 07:45:44 || 12:29:01 - 12:56:43 || 17:40:00 - 18:07:42 || 22:50:59 - 23:18:41 ||
49 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Concepts of Profit and Loss and Types of Problems Part 1 28-07-2024 Sunday


    02:34:45 - 03:00:18
    07:45:44 - 08:11:17
    12:56:43 - 13:22:16
    18:07:42 - 18:33:15
    23:18:41 - 23:44:14

02:34:45 - 03:00:18 || 07:45:44 - 08:11:17 || 12:56:43 - 13:22:16 || 18:07:42 - 18:33:15 || 23:18:41 - 23:44:14 ||
50 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(10) Buildings and their parts 28-07-2024 Sunday


    03:00:18 - 03:25:40
    08:11:17 - 08:36:39
    13:22:16 - 13:47:38
    18:33:15 - 18:58:37
    23:44:14 - 24:00:00

03:00:18 - 03:25:40 || 08:11:17 - 08:36:39 || 13:22:16 - 13:47:38 || 18:33:15 - 18:58:37 || 23:44:14 - 24:00:00 ||
51 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 4 28-07-2024 Sunday


    03:25:40 - 03:50:03
    08:36:39 - 09:01:02
    13:47:38 - 14:12:01
    18:58:37 - 19:23:00

03:25:40 - 03:50:03 || 08:36:39 - 09:01:02 || 13:47:38 - 14:12:01 || 18:58:37 - 19:23:00 ||
52 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Practice Questions with Step by Step Solutions Part 3 28-07-2024 Sunday


    03:50:03 - 04:16:18
    09:01:02 - 09:27:17
    14:12:01 - 14:38:16
    19:23:00 - 19:49:15

03:50:03 - 04:16:18 || 09:01:02 - 09:27:17 || 14:12:01 - 14:38:16 || 19:23:00 - 19:49:15 ||
53 Numerical Ability Banking Exams IBPS Exam PYQs on Averages Part 6 28-07-2024 Sunday


    04:16:18 - 04:43:31
    09:27:17 - 09:54:30
    14:38:16 - 15:05:29
    19:49:15 - 20:16:28

04:16:18 - 04:43:31 || 09:27:17 - 09:54:30 || 14:38:16 - 15:05:29 || 19:49:15 - 20:16:28 ||
54 Numerical Ability Banking Exams IBPS Exam PYQs on Averages Part 5 28-07-2024 Sunday


    04:43:31 - 05:10:59
    09:54:30 - 10:21:58
    15:05:29 - 15:32:57
    20:16:28 - 20:43:56

04:43:31 - 05:10:59 || 09:54:30 - 10:21:58 || 15:05:29 - 15:32:57 || 20:16:28 - 20:43:56 ||
55 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Practice Problems on Profit and Loss Part 3 29-07-2024 Monday


    00:00:00 - 00:28:52
    03:11:57 - 03:40:49
    06:23:54 - 06:52:46
    09:35:51 - 10:04:43
    12:47:48 - 13:16:40
    15:59:45 - 16:28:37
    19:11:42 - 19:40:34
    22:23:39 - 22:52:31

00:00:00 - 00:28:52 || 03:11:57 - 03:40:49 || 06:23:54 - 06:52:46 || 09:35:51 - 10:04:43 || 12:47:48 - 13:16:40 || 15:59:45 - 16:28:37 || 19:11:42 - 19:40:34 || 22:23:39 - 22:52:31 ||
56 Numerical Ability Banking Exams Introduction to Ratio and Proportion and their Types Part 1 29-07-2024 Monday


    00:28:52 - 00:57:31
    03:40:49 - 04:09:28
    06:52:46 - 07:21:25
    10:04:43 - 10:33:22
    13:16:40 - 13:45:19
    16:28:37 - 16:57:16
    19:40:34 - 20:09:13
    22:52:31 - 23:21:10

00:28:52 - 00:57:31 || 03:40:49 - 04:09:28 || 06:52:46 - 07:21:25 || 10:04:43 - 10:33:22 || 13:16:40 - 13:45:19 || 16:28:37 - 16:57:16 || 19:40:34 - 20:09:13 || 22:52:31 - 23:21:10 ||
57 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Introduction to Distance and Directions Problems and Types 29-07-2024 Monday


    00:57:31 - 01:29:21
    04:09:28 - 04:41:18
    07:21:25 - 07:53:15
    10:33:22 - 11:05:12
    13:45:19 - 14:17:09
    16:57:16 - 17:29:06
    20:09:13 - 20:41:03
    23:21:10 - 23:53:00

00:57:31 - 01:29:21 || 04:09:28 - 04:41:18 || 07:21:25 - 07:53:15 || 10:33:22 - 11:05:12 || 13:45:19 - 14:17:09 || 16:57:16 - 17:29:06 || 20:09:13 - 20:41:03 || 23:21:10 - 23:53:00 ||
58 Reasoning Ability Banking Exams Additional Examples on Distance and Directions 29-07-2024 Monday


    01:29:21 - 01:56:46
    04:41:18 - 05:08:43
    07:53:15 - 08:20:40
    11:05:12 - 11:32:37
    14:17:09 - 14:44:34
    17:29:06 - 17:56:31
    20:41:03 - 21:08:28
    23:53:00 - 24:00:00

01:29:21 - 01:56:46 || 04:41:18 - 05:08:43 || 07:53:15 - 08:20:40 || 11:05:12 - 11:32:37 || 14:17:09 - 14:44:34 || 17:29:06 - 17:56:31 || 20:41:03 - 21:08:28 || 23:53:00 - 24:00:00 ||
59 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(13) Professions and occupations 29-07-2024 Monday


    01:56:46 - 02:31:10
    05:08:43 - 05:43:07
    08:20:40 - 08:55:04
    11:32:37 - 12:07:01
    14:44:34 - 15:18:58
    17:56:31 - 18:30:55
    21:08:28 - 21:42:52

01:56:46 - 02:31:10 || 05:08:43 - 05:43:07 || 08:20:40 - 08:55:04 || 11:32:37 - 12:07:01 || 14:44:34 - 15:18:58 || 17:56:31 - 18:30:55 || 21:08:28 - 21:42:52 ||
60 English Banking Exams English speaking course Vocabulary and Dictionary Classified Vocabulary(14) Business 29-07-2024 Monday


    02:31:10 - 03:11:57
    05:43:07 - 06:23:54
    08:55:04 - 09:35:51
    12:07:01 - 12:47:48
    15:18:58 - 15:59:45
    18:30:55 - 19:11:42
    21:42:52 - 22:23:39

02:31:10 - 03:11:57 || 05:43:07 - 06:23:54 || 08:55:04 - 09:35:51 || 12:07:01 - 12:47:48 || 15:18:58 - 15:59:45 || 18:30:55 - 19:11:42 || 21:42:52 - 22:23:39 ||