No. | Subject | Course | Topic | Telecast Date / Day | Telecast Time | Repeat Time |
1 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry Theory Part 2 | 07-11-2024 Thursday |
02:35:49 - 02:59:22 05:11:38 - 05:35:11 07:47:27 - 08:11:00 10:23:16 - 10:46:49 12:59:05 - 13:22:38 15:34:54 - 15:58:27 18:10:43 - 18:34:16 20:46:32 - 21:10:05 23:22:21 - 23:45:54 |
00:00:00 - 00:23:33 || 02:35:49 - 02:59:22 || 05:11:38 - 05:35:11 || 07:47:27 - 08:11:00 || 10:23:16 - 10:46:49 || 12:59:05 - 13:22:38 || 15:34:54 - 15:58:27 || 18:10:43 - 18:34:16 || 20:46:32 - 21:10:05 || 23:22:21 - 23:45:54 || |
2 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry Theory Part 3 | 07-11-2024 Thursday |
02:59:22 - 03:24:27 05:35:11 - 06:00:16 08:11:00 - 08:36:05 10:46:49 - 11:11:54 13:22:38 - 13:47:43 15:58:27 - 16:23:32 18:34:16 - 18:59:21 21:10:05 - 21:35:10 23:45:54 - 24:00:00 |
00:23:33 - 00:48:38 || 02:59:22 - 03:24:27 || 05:35:11 - 06:00:16 || 08:11:00 - 08:36:05 || 10:46:49 - 11:11:54 || 13:22:38 - 13:47:43 || 15:58:27 - 16:23:32 || 18:34:16 - 18:59:21 || 21:10:05 - 21:35:10 || 23:45:54 - 24:00:00 || |
3 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 2 | 07-11-2024 Thursday |
03:24:27 - 03:49:37 06:00:16 - 06:25:26 08:36:05 - 09:01:15 11:11:54 - 11:37:04 13:47:43 - 14:12:53 16:23:32 - 16:48:42 18:59:21 - 19:24:31 21:35:10 - 22:00:20 |
00:48:38 - 01:13:48 || 03:24:27 - 03:49:37 || 06:00:16 - 06:25:26 || 08:36:05 - 09:01:15 || 11:11:54 - 11:37:04 || 13:47:43 - 14:12:53 || 16:23:32 - 16:48:42 || 18:59:21 - 19:24:31 || 21:35:10 - 22:00:20 || |
4 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 3 | 07-11-2024 Thursday |
03:49:37 - 04:17:22 06:25:26 - 06:53:11 09:01:15 - 09:29:00 11:37:04 - 12:04:49 14:12:53 - 14:40:38 16:48:42 - 17:16:27 19:24:31 - 19:52:16 22:00:20 - 22:28:05 |
01:13:48 - 01:41:33 || 03:49:37 - 04:17:22 || 06:25:26 - 06:53:11 || 09:01:15 - 09:29:00 || 11:37:04 - 12:04:49 || 14:12:53 - 14:40:38 || 16:48:42 - 17:16:27 || 19:24:31 - 19:52:16 || 22:00:20 - 22:28:05 || |
5 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 4 | 07-11-2024 Thursday |
04:17:22 - 04:47:54 06:53:11 - 07:23:43 09:29:00 - 09:59:32 12:04:49 - 12:35:21 14:40:38 - 15:11:10 17:16:27 - 17:46:59 19:52:16 - 20:22:48 22:28:05 - 22:58:37 |
01:41:33 - 02:12:05 || 04:17:22 - 04:47:54 || 06:53:11 - 07:23:43 || 09:29:00 - 09:59:32 || 12:04:49 - 12:35:21 || 14:40:38 - 15:11:10 || 17:16:27 - 17:46:59 || 19:52:16 - 20:22:48 || 22:28:05 - 22:58:37 || |
6 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 5 | 07-11-2024 Thursday |
04:47:54 - 05:11:38 07:23:43 - 07:47:27 09:59:32 - 10:23:16 12:35:21 - 12:59:05 15:11:10 - 15:34:54 17:46:59 - 18:10:43 20:22:48 - 20:46:32 22:58:37 - 23:22:21 |
02:12:05 - 02:35:49 || 04:47:54 - 05:11:38 || 07:23:43 - 07:47:27 || 09:59:32 - 10:23:16 || 12:35:21 - 12:59:05 || 15:11:10 - 15:34:54 || 17:46:59 - 18:10:43 || 20:22:48 - 20:46:32 || 22:58:37 - 23:22:21 || |
7 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry: Exercise 8.1 | 08-11-2024 Friday |
02:58:21 - 03:30:50 05:56:42 - 06:29:11 08:55:03 - 09:27:32 11:53:24 - 12:25:53 14:51:45 - 15:24:14 17:50:06 - 18:22:35 20:48:27 - 21:20:56 23:46:48 - 24:00:00 |
00:00:00 - 00:32:29 || 02:58:21 - 03:30:50 || 05:56:42 - 06:29:11 || 08:55:03 - 09:27:32 || 11:53:24 - 12:25:53 || 14:51:45 - 15:24:14 || 17:50:06 - 18:22:35 || 20:48:27 - 21:20:56 || 23:46:48 - 24:00:00 || |
8 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry: Exercise 8.2 | 08-11-2024 Friday |
03:30:50 - 03:59:36 06:29:11 - 06:57:57 09:27:32 - 09:56:18 12:25:53 - 12:54:39 15:24:14 - 15:53:00 18:22:35 - 18:51:21 21:20:56 - 21:49:42 |
00:32:29 - 01:01:15 || 03:30:50 - 03:59:36 || 06:29:11 - 06:57:57 || 09:27:32 - 09:56:18 || 12:25:53 - 12:54:39 || 15:24:14 - 15:53:00 || 18:22:35 - 18:51:21 || 21:20:56 - 21:49:42 || |
9 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 4 | 08-11-2024 Friday |
03:59:36 - 04:25:16 06:57:57 - 07:23:37 09:56:18 - 10:21:58 12:54:39 - 13:20:19 15:53:00 - 16:18:40 18:51:21 - 19:17:01 21:49:42 - 22:15:22 |
01:01:15 - 01:26:55 || 03:59:36 - 04:25:16 || 06:57:57 - 07:23:37 || 09:56:18 - 10:21:58 || 12:54:39 - 13:20:19 || 15:53:00 - 16:18:40 || 18:51:21 - 19:17:01 || 21:49:42 - 22:15:22 || |
10 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 5 | 08-11-2024 Friday |
04:25:16 - 04:53:29 07:23:37 - 07:51:50 10:21:58 - 10:50:11 13:20:19 - 13:48:32 16:18:40 - 16:46:53 19:17:01 - 19:45:14 22:15:22 - 22:43:35 |
01:26:55 - 01:55:08 || 04:25:16 - 04:53:29 || 07:23:37 - 07:51:50 || 10:21:58 - 10:50:11 || 13:20:19 - 13:48:32 || 16:18:40 - 16:46:53 || 19:17:01 - 19:45:14 || 22:15:22 - 22:43:35 || |
11 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 6 | 08-11-2024 Friday |
04:53:29 - 05:27:23 07:51:50 - 08:25:44 10:50:11 - 11:24:05 13:48:32 - 14:22:26 16:46:53 - 17:20:47 19:45:14 - 20:19:08 22:43:35 - 23:17:29 |
01:55:08 - 02:29:02 || 04:53:29 - 05:27:23 || 07:51:50 - 08:25:44 || 10:50:11 - 11:24:05 || 13:48:32 - 14:22:26 || 16:46:53 - 17:20:47 || 19:45:14 - 20:19:08 || 22:43:35 - 23:17:29 || |
12 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 7 | 08-11-2024 Friday |
05:27:23 - 05:56:42 08:25:44 - 08:55:03 11:24:05 - 11:53:24 14:22:26 - 14:51:45 17:20:47 - 17:50:06 20:19:08 - 20:48:27 23:17:29 - 23:46:48 |
02:29:02 - 02:58:21 || 05:27:23 - 05:56:42 || 08:25:44 - 08:55:03 || 11:24:05 - 11:53:24 || 14:22:26 - 14:51:45 || 17:20:47 - 17:50:06 || 20:19:08 - 20:48:27 || 23:17:29 - 23:46:48 || |
13 | Mathematics | Engineering | Coordinate Geometry Part 1 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
08:43:31 - 09:13:24 17:27:02 - 17:56:55 |
00:00:00 - 00:29:53 || 08:43:31 - 09:13:24 || 17:27:02 - 17:56:55 || |
14 | Mathematics | Engineering | Coordinate Geometry Part 2 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
09:13:24 - 09:43:16 17:56:55 - 18:26:47 |
00:29:53 - 00:59:45 || 09:13:24 - 09:43:16 || 17:56:55 - 18:26:47 || |
15 | Physics | Engineering | Motion Theory Part 6 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
09:43:16 - 10:11:38 18:26:47 - 18:55:09 |
00:59:45 - 01:28:07 || 09:43:16 - 10:11:38 || 18:26:47 - 18:55:09 || |
16 | Physics | Engineering | Motion Theory Part 7 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
10:11:38 - 10:36:23 18:55:09 - 19:19:54 |
01:28:07 - 01:52:52 || 10:11:38 - 10:36:23 || 18:55:09 - 19:19:54 || |
17 | Chemistry | Engineering | Biomolecules Part 5 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
10:36:23 - 11:18:20 19:19:54 - 20:01:51 |
01:52:52 - 02:34:49 || 10:36:23 - 11:18:20 || 19:19:54 - 20:01:51 || |
18 | Chemistry | Engineering | Biomolecules Part 6 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
11:18:20 - 11:58:52 20:01:51 - 20:42:23 |
02:34:49 - 03:15:21 || 11:18:20 - 11:58:52 || 20:01:51 - 20:42:23 || |
19 | Mathematics | Engineering | Coordinate Geometry Part 3 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
11:58:52 - 12:23:14 20:42:23 - 21:06:45 |
03:15:21 - 03:39:43 || 11:58:52 - 12:23:14 || 20:42:23 - 21:06:45 || |
20 | Mathematics | Engineering | Coordinate Geometry Exercise: 7.2(NCERT) | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
12:23:14 - 12:50:42 21:06:45 - 21:34:13 |
03:39:43 - 04:07:11 || 12:23:14 - 12:50:42 || 21:06:45 - 21:34:13 || |
21 | Physics | Engineering | Motion Theory Part 8 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
12:50:42 - 13:17:57 21:34:13 - 22:01:28 |
04:07:11 - 04:34:26 || 12:50:42 - 13:17:57 || 21:34:13 - 22:01:28 || |
22 | Physics | Engineering | Motion Theory Part 9 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
13:17:57 - 13:46:28 22:01:28 - 22:29:59 |
04:34:26 - 05:02:57 || 13:17:57 - 13:46:28 || 22:01:28 - 22:29:59 || |
23 | Chemistry | Engineering | Biomolecules Part 7 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
13:46:28 - 14:18:55 22:29:59 - 23:02:26 |
05:02:57 - 05:35:24 || 13:46:28 - 14:18:55 || 22:29:59 - 23:02:26 || |
24 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 1 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
14:18:55 - 14:49:26 23:02:26 - 23:32:57 |
05:35:24 - 06:05:55 || 14:18:55 - 14:49:26 || 23:02:26 - 23:32:57 || |
25 | Mathematics | Engineering | Coordinate Geometry: Exercise 7.1 MCQs | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
14:49:26 - 15:17:10 23:32:57 - 24:00:00 |
06:05:55 - 06:33:39 || 14:49:26 - 15:17:10 || 23:32:57 - 24:00:00 || |
26 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry Theory Part 1 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
15:17:10 - 15:49:38 |
06:33:39 - 07:06:07 || 15:17:10 - 15:49:38 || |
27 | Physics | Engineering | Motion Theory Part 10 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
15:49:38 - 16:12:38 |
07:06:07 - 07:29:07 || 15:49:38 - 16:12:38 || |
28 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 1 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
16:12:38 - 16:40:25 |
07:29:07 - 07:56:54 || 16:12:38 - 16:40:25 || |
29 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 2 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
16:40:25 - 17:10:50 |
07:56:54 - 08:27:19 || 16:40:25 - 17:10:50 || |
30 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 3 | 09-11-2024 Saturday |
17:10:50 - 17:27:02 |
08:27:19 - 08:43:31 || 17:10:50 - 17:27:02 || |
31 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry Theory Part 2 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
05:34:10 - 05:57:43 11:08:20 - 11:31:53 16:42:30 - 17:06:03 22:16:40 - 22:40:13 |
00:00:00 - 00:23:33 || 05:34:10 - 05:57:43 || 11:08:20 - 11:31:53 || 16:42:30 - 17:06:03 || 22:16:40 - 22:40:13 || |
32 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry Theory Part 3 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
05:57:43 - 06:22:48 11:31:53 - 11:56:58 17:06:03 - 17:31:08 22:40:13 - 23:05:18 |
00:23:33 - 00:48:38 || 05:57:43 - 06:22:48 || 11:31:53 - 11:56:58 || 17:06:03 - 17:31:08 || 22:40:13 - 23:05:18 || |
33 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 2 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
06:22:48 - 06:47:58 11:56:58 - 12:22:08 17:31:08 - 17:56:18 23:05:18 - 23:30:28 |
00:48:38 - 01:13:48 || 06:22:48 - 06:47:58 || 11:56:58 - 12:22:08 || 17:31:08 - 17:56:18 || 23:05:18 - 23:30:28 || |
34 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 3 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
06:47:58 - 07:15:43 12:22:08 - 12:49:53 17:56:18 - 18:24:03 23:30:28 - 23:58:13 |
01:13:48 - 01:41:33 || 06:47:58 - 07:15:43 || 12:22:08 - 12:49:53 || 17:56:18 - 18:24:03 || 23:30:28 - 23:58:13 || |
35 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 4 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
07:15:43 - 07:46:15 12:49:53 - 13:20:25 18:24:03 - 18:54:35 23:58:13 - 24:00:00 |
01:41:33 - 02:12:05 || 07:15:43 - 07:46:15 || 12:49:53 - 13:20:25 || 18:24:03 - 18:54:35 || 23:58:13 - 24:00:00 || |
36 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 5 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
07:46:15 - 08:09:59 13:20:25 - 13:44:09 18:54:35 - 19:18:19 |
02:12:05 - 02:35:49 || 07:46:15 - 08:09:59 || 13:20:25 - 13:44:09 || 18:54:35 - 19:18:19 || |
37 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry: Exercise 8.1 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
08:09:59 - 08:42:28 13:44:09 - 14:16:38 19:18:19 - 19:50:48 |
02:35:49 - 03:08:18 || 08:09:59 - 08:42:28 || 13:44:09 - 14:16:38 || 19:18:19 - 19:50:48 || |
38 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry: Exercise 8.2 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
08:42:28 - 09:11:14 14:16:38 - 14:45:24 19:50:48 - 20:19:34 |
03:08:18 - 03:37:04 || 08:42:28 - 09:11:14 || 14:16:38 - 14:45:24 || 19:50:48 - 20:19:34 || |
39 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 4 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
09:11:14 - 09:36:54 14:45:24 - 15:11:04 20:19:34 - 20:45:14 |
03:37:04 - 04:02:44 || 09:11:14 - 09:36:54 || 14:45:24 - 15:11:04 || 20:19:34 - 20:45:14 || |
40 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 5 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
09:36:54 - 10:05:07 15:11:04 - 15:39:17 20:45:14 - 21:13:27 |
04:02:44 - 04:30:57 || 09:36:54 - 10:05:07 || 15:11:04 - 15:39:17 || 20:45:14 - 21:13:27 || |
41 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 6 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
10:05:07 - 10:39:01 15:39:17 - 16:13:11 21:13:27 - 21:47:21 |
04:30:57 - 05:04:51 || 10:05:07 - 10:39:01 || 15:39:17 - 16:13:11 || 21:13:27 - 21:47:21 || |
42 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 7 | 10-11-2024 Sunday |
10:39:01 - 11:08:20 16:13:11 - 16:42:30 21:47:21 - 22:16:40 |
05:04:51 - 05:34:10 || 10:39:01 - 11:08:20 || 16:13:11 - 16:42:30 || 21:47:21 - 22:16:40 || |
43 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry: Exercise 8.3 | 11-11-2024 Monday |
03:05:05 - 03:34:41 06:10:10 - 06:39:46 09:15:15 - 09:44:51 12:20:20 - 12:49:56 15:25:25 - 15:55:01 18:30:30 - 19:00:06 21:35:35 - 22:05:11 |
00:00:00 - 00:29:36 || 03:05:05 - 03:34:41 || 06:10:10 - 06:39:46 || 09:15:15 - 09:44:51 || 12:20:20 - 12:49:56 || 15:25:25 - 15:55:01 || 18:30:30 - 19:00:06 || 21:35:35 - 22:05:11 || |
44 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry and Its Application: Exercise 8.1 MCQs | 11-11-2024 Monday |
03:34:41 - 04:04:18 06:39:46 - 07:09:23 09:44:51 - 10:14:28 12:49:56 - 13:19:33 15:55:01 - 16:24:38 19:00:06 - 19:29:43 22:05:11 - 22:34:48 |
00:29:36 - 00:59:13 || 03:34:41 - 04:04:18 || 06:39:46 - 07:09:23 || 09:44:51 - 10:14:28 || 12:49:56 - 13:19:33 || 15:55:01 - 16:24:38 || 19:00:06 - 19:29:43 || 22:05:11 - 22:34:48 || |
45 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 6 | 11-11-2024 Monday |
04:04:18 - 04:35:31 07:09:23 - 07:40:36 10:14:28 - 10:45:41 13:19:33 - 13:50:46 16:24:38 - 16:55:51 19:29:43 - 20:00:56 22:34:48 - 23:06:01 |
00:59:13 - 01:30:26 || 04:04:18 - 04:35:31 || 07:09:23 - 07:40:36 || 10:14:28 - 10:45:41 || 13:19:33 - 13:50:46 || 16:24:38 - 16:55:51 || 19:29:43 - 20:00:56 || 22:34:48 - 23:06:01 || |
46 | Physics | Engineering | Gravitation Theory Part 7 | 11-11-2024 Monday |
04:35:31 - 05:07:18 07:40:36 - 08:12:23 10:45:41 - 11:17:28 13:50:46 - 14:22:33 16:55:51 - 17:27:38 20:00:56 - 20:32:43 23:06:01 - 23:37:48 |
01:30:26 - 02:02:13 || 04:35:31 - 05:07:18 || 07:40:36 - 08:12:23 || 10:45:41 - 11:17:28 || 13:50:46 - 14:22:33 || 16:55:51 - 17:27:38 || 20:00:56 - 20:32:43 || 23:06:01 - 23:37:48 || |
47 | Chemistry | Engineering | Atoms and Molecules Part 8 | 11-11-2024 Monday |
05:07:18 - 05:39:32 08:12:23 - 08:44:37 11:17:28 - 11:49:42 14:22:33 - 14:54:47 17:27:38 - 17:59:52 20:32:43 - 21:04:57 23:37:48 - 24:00:00 |
02:02:13 - 02:34:27 || 05:07:18 - 05:39:32 || 08:12:23 - 08:44:37 || 11:17:28 - 11:49:42 || 14:22:33 - 14:54:47 || 17:27:38 - 17:59:52 || 20:32:43 - 21:04:57 || 23:37:48 - 24:00:00 || |
48 | Chemistry | Engineering | Is Matter Around Us Pure Part 1 | 11-11-2024 Monday |
05:39:32 - 06:10:10 08:44:37 - 09:15:15 11:49:42 - 12:20:20 14:54:47 - 15:25:25 17:59:52 - 18:30:30 21:04:57 - 21:35:35 |
02:34:27 - 03:05:05 || 05:39:32 - 06:10:10 || 08:44:37 - 09:15:15 || 11:49:42 - 12:20:20 || 14:54:47 - 15:25:25 || 17:59:52 - 18:30:30 || 21:04:57 - 21:35:35 || |
49 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry and Its Application: Exercise 8.2 Short Answer Type Questions | 12-11-2024 Tuesday |
02:53:50 - 03:26:20 05:47:40 - 06:20:10 08:41:30 - 09:14:00 11:35:20 - 12:07:50 14:29:10 - 15:01:40 17:23:00 - 17:55:30 20:16:50 - 20:49:20 23:10:40 - 23:43:10 |
00:00:00 - 00:32:30 || 02:53:50 - 03:26:20 || 05:47:40 - 06:20:10 || 08:41:30 - 09:14:00 || 11:35:20 - 12:07:50 || 14:29:10 - 15:01:40 || 17:23:00 - 17:55:30 || 20:16:50 - 20:49:20 || 23:10:40 - 23:43:10 || |
50 | Mathematics | Engineering | Introduction To Trigonometry and Its Application: Exercise 8.4 Long Answer Type Questions | 12-11-2024 Tuesday |
03:26:20 - 03:49:16 06:20:10 - 06:43:06 09:14:00 - 09:36:56 12:07:50 - 12:30:46 15:01:40 - 15:24:36 17:55:30 - 18:18:26 20:49:20 - 21:12:16 23:43:10 - 24:00:00 |
00:32:30 - 00:55:26 || 03:26:20 - 03:49:16 || 06:20:10 - 06:43:06 || 09:14:00 - 09:36:56 || 12:07:50 - 12:30:46 || 15:01:40 - 15:24:36 || 17:55:30 - 18:18:26 || 20:49:20 - 21:12:16 || 23:43:10 - 24:00:00 || |
51 | Physics | Engineering | Force and Laws of Motion Theory Part 1 | 12-11-2024 Tuesday |
03:49:16 - 04:07:01 06:43:06 - 07:00:51 09:36:56 - 09:54:41 12:30:46 - 12:48:31 15:24:36 - 15:42:21 18:18:26 - 18:36:11 21:12:16 - 21:30:01 |
00:55:26 - 01:13:11 || 03:49:16 - 04:07:01 || 06:43:06 - 07:00:51 || 09:36:56 - 09:54:41 || 12:30:46 - 12:48:31 || 15:24:36 - 15:42:21 || 18:18:26 - 18:36:11 || 21:12:16 - 21:30:01 || |
52 | Physics | Engineering | Force and Laws of Motion Theory Part 2 | 12-11-2024 Tuesday |
04:07:01 - 04:39:43 07:00:51 - 07:33:33 09:54:41 - 10:27:23 12:48:31 - 13:21:13 15:42:21 - 16:15:03 18:36:11 - 19:08:53 21:30:01 - 22:02:43 |
01:13:11 - 01:45:53 || 04:07:01 - 04:39:43 || 07:00:51 - 07:33:33 || 09:54:41 - 10:27:23 || 12:48:31 - 13:21:13 || 15:42:21 - 16:15:03 || 18:36:11 - 19:08:53 || 21:30:01 - 22:02:43 || |
53 | Chemistry | Engineering | Is Matter Around Us Pure Part 2 | 12-11-2024 Tuesday |
04:39:43 - 05:11:02 07:33:33 - 08:04:52 10:27:23 - 10:58:42 13:21:13 - 13:52:32 16:15:03 - 16:46:22 19:08:53 - 19:40:12 22:02:43 - 22:34:02 |
01:45:53 - 02:17:12 || 04:39:43 - 05:11:02 || 07:33:33 - 08:04:52 || 10:27:23 - 10:58:42 || 13:21:13 - 13:52:32 || 16:15:03 - 16:46:22 || 19:08:53 - 19:40:12 || 22:02:43 - 22:34:02 || |
54 | Chemistry | Engineering | Is Matter Around Us Pure Part 3 | 12-11-2024 Tuesday |
05:11:02 - 05:47:40 08:04:52 - 08:41:30 10:58:42 - 11:35:20 13:52:32 - 14:29:10 16:46:22 - 17:23:00 19:40:12 - 20:16:50 22:34:02 - 23:10:40 |
02:17:12 - 02:53:50 || 05:11:02 - 05:47:40 || 08:04:52 - 08:41:30 || 10:58:42 - 11:35:20 || 13:52:32 - 14:29:10 || 16:46:22 - 17:23:00 || 19:40:12 - 20:16:50 || 22:34:02 - 23:10:40 || |
55 | Mathematics | Engineering | Some Applications of Trigonometry Theory | 13-11-2024 Wednesday |
02:53:53 - 03:25:17 05:47:46 - 06:19:10 08:41:39 - 09:13:03 11:35:32 - 12:06:56 14:29:25 - 15:00:49 17:23:18 - 17:54:42 20:17:11 - 20:48:35 23:11:04 - 23:42:28 |
00:00:00 - 00:31:24 || 02:53:53 - 03:25:17 || 05:47:46 - 06:19:10 || 08:41:39 - 09:13:03 || 11:35:32 - 12:06:56 || 14:29:25 - 15:00:49 || 17:23:18 - 17:54:42 || 20:17:11 - 20:48:35 || 23:11:04 - 23:42:28 || |
56 | Mathematics | Engineering | Some Applications of Trigonometry : Exercise 9.1 Part 1 | 13-11-2024 Wednesday |
03:25:17 - 03:55:57 06:19:10 - 06:49:50 09:13:03 - 09:43:43 12:06:56 - 12:37:36 15:00:49 - 15:31:29 17:54:42 - 18:25:22 20:48:35 - 21:19:15 23:42:28 - 24:00:00 |
00:31:24 - 01:02:04 || 03:25:17 - 03:55:57 || 06:19:10 - 06:49:50 || 09:13:03 - 09:43:43 || 12:06:56 - 12:37:36 || 15:00:49 - 15:31:29 || 17:54:42 - 18:25:22 || 20:48:35 - 21:19:15 || 23:42:28 - 24:00:00 || |
57 | Physics | Engineering | Force and Laws of Motion Theory Part 3 | 13-11-2024 Wednesday |
03:55:57 - 04:24:15 06:49:50 - 07:18:08 09:43:43 - 10:12:01 12:37:36 - 13:05:54 15:31:29 - 15:59:47 18:25:22 - 18:53:40 21:19:15 - 21:47:33 |
01:02:04 - 01:30:22 || 03:55:57 - 04:24:15 || 06:49:50 - 07:18:08 || 09:43:43 - 10:12:01 || 12:37:36 - 13:05:54 || 15:31:29 - 15:59:47 || 18:25:22 - 18:53:40 || 21:19:15 - 21:47:33 || |
58 | Physics | Engineering | Force and Laws of Motion Theory Part 4 | 13-11-2024 Wednesday |
04:24:15 - 04:48:23 07:18:08 - 07:42:16 10:12:01 - 10:36:09 13:05:54 - 13:30:02 15:59:47 - 16:23:55 18:53:40 - 19:17:48 21:47:33 - 22:11:41 |
01:30:22 - 01:54:30 || 04:24:15 - 04:48:23 || 07:18:08 - 07:42:16 || 10:12:01 - 10:36:09 || 13:05:54 - 13:30:02 || 15:59:47 - 16:23:55 || 18:53:40 - 19:17:48 || 21:47:33 - 22:11:41 || |
59 | Chemistry | Engineering | Is Matter Around Us Pure Part 4 | 13-11-2024 Wednesday |
04:48:23 - 05:18:27 07:42:16 - 08:12:20 10:36:09 - 11:06:13 13:30:02 - 14:00:06 16:23:55 - 16:53:59 19:17:48 - 19:47:52 22:11:41 - 22:41:45 |
01:54:30 - 02:24:34 || 04:48:23 - 05:18:27 || 07:42:16 - 08:12:20 || 10:36:09 - 11:06:13 || 13:30:02 - 14:00:06 || 16:23:55 - 16:53:59 || 19:17:48 - 19:47:52 || 22:11:41 - 22:41:45 || |
60 | Chemistry | Engineering | Is Matter Around Us Pure Part 5 | 13-11-2024 Wednesday |
05:18:27 - 05:47:46 08:12:20 - 08:41:39 11:06:13 - 11:35:32 14:00:06 - 14:29:25 16:53:59 - 17:23:18 19:47:52 - 20:17:11 22:41:45 - 23:11:04 |
02:24:34 - 02:53:53 || 05:18:27 - 05:47:46 || 08:12:20 - 08:41:39 || 11:06:13 - 11:35:32 || 14:00:06 - 14:29:25 || 16:53:59 - 17:23:18 || 19:47:52 - 20:17:11 || 22:41:45 - 23:11:04 || |
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